
Kia ora, welcome to our Kiwifruit Newsletter

eNews Kiwifruit November 2021 Edition

James Trevelyan
Managing Director

What is the plan?

As I write this article, I understand there are now confirmed cases of COVID-19 in both the Mount and Tauranga, which is what the wastewater had indicated for the last few days. Now we begin the journey on how to live with COVID – a topic that is dividing families and dominating media, which some are well over. For us, we need to get it right.

In preparation for when we have cases on site, we randomly picked a few employee numbers to get an understanding of how many people we would need to isolate if those employees tested positive for COVID. The answer was between 45 to 55 people. With these sorts of numbers, it wouldn’t be long before we did not have enough staff on site. This prompted me to pick up the phone to a friend working in the kiwifruit post-harvest industry in Italy. His first comment was how compliant people are in Italy. He puts this down to many people having lost loved ones over the last 24 months. The base of their system is the COVID passport which sits on your phone. If you are fully vaccinated, the passport shows a green pass. If you are not, you must have had a “speed test” done that can be no older than 48 hours and shows a negative result which displays on your passport. A speed test takes 15 minutes and is available in multiple locations around town. Then comes the mask wearing, social distancing and the small bubble groupings.

Of interest, in the early 1980s when HIV found its way into the USA, the medical system struggled to keep up with lab testing demand. From this, they developed a system known as the “pool test”. This is when you take multiple samples from a group but combine them all into one test. If the test is negative, you discard all the separate samples. However, if the test is positive you need to test the individual samples. This allows large numbers of people to be screened with minimal testing. This is currently being done by the local councils to gauge the spread within New Zealand. We could use the same methodology by screening our wastewater systems to get an initial warning. We could also use pool testing at a more gradual level across teams to front-foot infections. For this to be successful we will need to be able to work with the Government and local agencies.

Like all changes in process, we will need to be well-planned and be ready to react to what is not working.


Phil Allison
Information Systems Manager

Operations Update


As of 22nd November, we have shipped 18,136,030 trays and have 112,551 left in store. Gold3 and Hayward organic shipping has been completed. Hayward conventional shipping is expected to finish around the end of November. It has been a tremendous effort by the shipping and repack staff this season to get through this volume of fruit while dealing with COVID-19 restrictions, shipping disruptions, and poorer fruit quality than in recent seasons.

Fruit Loss

Gold3 fruit loss figures for conventional and organic are now final for Trevelyan’s, along with Hayward organic. With only a small volume of Hayward conventional fruit left, these results are not likely to increase much either. It is pleasing to see fruit loss figures below industry average across the main fruit groups again this season.

15% Supplier Accountability

15% supplier accountability involves extra checking in the markets (15% compared to 5%) and more of the costs of quality sheeted back to the suppliers of the fruit causing in-market costs. The programme is bulk funded with a set per tray payment made and any costs are deducted from this amount, before the industry average income is adjusted to 25 cents/tray (all suppliers retain their relativity to each other after this adjustment. This season, fruit we have sent on advance shipments have also been checked as part of the 15% supplier accountability. These checks are not adjusted at the industry level so are all grouped together irrespective of which market the fruit was sent to.

To date we have results back for Gold3 that includes eight weeks of shipments to Taiwan, six weeks of shipping to Korea, four weeks of shipping to Japan, and two weeks of shipping to China (the Asian markets are served by smaller vessels and containers, so results are reported in 2-week groups), and seven vessels to Europe.

For Hayward there are four weeks of shipping to Taiwan, two weeks of shipping to Korea, and two Europe-bound vessels. To date we have no results from China or Japan.

Stage 3 15% supplier accountability summary for Gold3

Market (Trev)#ShipsTrays$$/tray
Market (Ind)FruitTrays$$/tray

Stage 3 15% supplier accountability summary for Hayward

Market (Trev)#ShipsTrays$$/tray
Market (Ind)FruitTrays$$/tray

2022 Crop Estimate

The flower bud crop estimate has been completed. Thanks to all the growers who allow Trevelyan’s staff onto their orchards to count flower buds. Without these counts we would have no data to base the crop estimate on.

Fruit GroupFlowers/m2Crop Estimate 2022Packed 2021Percent Change

NB: The increase in Gold3 organic includes a further 30 hectares that will complete the transition to organics before the next harvest.

GAP Update

With ZespriGAP audits getting underway, now is a great time to get the necessary paperwork together. Having everything you need ready before your audit will make the process go much more smoothly for you. As a reminder, some of the paperwork needed is:

  • Current CAVs for your agrichemical, fertiliser, vine management, and harvest contractors.
  • Contractor acknowledgement forms, or evidence the contractor has signed your health and safety and hygiene books are required for beekeepers, shelterbelt trimmers, and mulchers.


Phil Allison
Information Systems Manager

Retrospective Time Rates

A sub-group of ISG is looking at the possibility of using retrospective time rates for future seasons. Currently, indicative time rates are published before the season starts. At the time of Zespri’s first forecast each season, the model used to generate these rates is updated with the current season’s fruit value, taste payments, and payment ratios. The final time rates for the season are then published. There is no consideration made of the actual repacking and fruit loss in the current season.

The ISG are looking at whether the model should also include repack and fruit loss data from the current season when setting time rates. This may be by way of just using the actual rates in the current season, or by including the current season in the multi-year averages used in the models. Either way, if this was to proceed, actual time rates would not be known until after all fruit had been shipped.

This is an active discussion so if you have any views, please let your grower rep or Debbie Robinson know what they are.

Gordon Skipage
Head of Technical

Technical Information

KVH Kiwifruit Biosecurity Day – Trustpower Arena, Baypark

Each year KVH hosts a Kiwifruit Biosecurity Day to highlight some of the main pest/disease risks facing kiwifruit growers and the preparedness work that is being done to protect the industry. Unknown to most growers, there is much pan-industry collaboration occurring with KVH at the forefront of this. While there were presentations about pests/diseases that you may have already heard about such as Fruit Fly and Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB), some of the presenters highlighted what we hadn’t considered about some of our common orchard practices.

One such highlight was the work conducted by Dr Kelly Everett (Plant and Food Research) who has been studying the biosecurity risk of compost. Dr Everett’s work highlighted that compost is a vector of pathogens and could spread disease onto your kiwifruit orchard (including Psa if you are using kiwifruit plant waste as compost). While the inner temperature of compost windrows typically exceeds 65°C, this temperature (which kills pathogens) may not be reached unless they are well managed and turned effectively. As there is currently no testing (or requirement to test) for compost pathogens in New Zealand, it is possible that pathogens are being introduced into the orchard from compost sources.

Another highlight was Shane Max’s (Zespri Global Extension Manager) presentation which gave valuable insight on the current impacts of BMSB on northern hemisphere Zespri orchards. Should BMSB become established in New Zealand, we need to be prepared to face crop losses from 5% – 30%. As we look to our northern hemisphere cousins for guidance, KVH is working to prepare our own integrated response including the use of Samurai Wasps, pesticides and “BMSB-proof” covered blocks.

While many growers consider biosecurity the responsibility of MPI and border control, astute growers accept that border control is more a “net” than a “wall” – it is inevitable that pests/diseases will slip through regardless of the money invested or number of people placed at the border.

How you protect your own investment at the gate is up to you, but some of the things to consider include:

  • Understand the risks – learn what the key biosecurity risks are to kiwifruit.
  • Raise the awareness – make sure those working on the orchard are aware of biosecurity and conduct regular staff training and visitor/contractor inductions.
  • Monitor your crop – by conducting regular monitoring you will be alerted to early signs of pest/disease.
  • Keep it clean – consider people’s vehicles and equipment can spread pests, diseases and weeds and work to reduce the risk on the orchard.
  • Keep records – keep records to make it easy to trace back/forward if anything unusual is suspected on the orchard.

More information about the KVH Kiwifruit Biosecurity Day event (including videos) can be found on the Zespri Canopy (Canopy > Zespri & The Kiwifruit Industry > News > KVH/Zespri Kiwifruit Biosecurity Industry Day – Videos).

Irrigating In Early Summer Is Critical To Maximise Fruit Size Potential

The historical perception that kiwifruit vines are tolerant to dry conditions is incorrect. In fact kiwifruit vines are much more sensitive to water than previously thought – both too much and too little can have significant impacts. At the Zespri GET Irrigation Tech Forum in October 2020, Murray Judd presented findings of a review of kiwifruit water requirements and irrigation management practices. In contrast to what we thought we knew, kiwifruit requires more water than we thought.

Key points from Murray’s findings include:

  • Kiwifruit is sensitive to water – high kiwifruit production requires constant soil moisture levels, close to (but not exceeding) field capacity in the area surrounding the roots.
  • Overwatering can be bad – kiwifruit roots become oxygen deprived and are unable to take up water. Waterlogged vines can die within 3-4 days.
  • Water stress affects fruit growth first – when vines don’t get enough water there is an immediate and irreversible effect on fruit growth (resulting in smaller fruit at harvest).
    • Fruit growth can be affected by up to 11 days before kiwifruit leaves show signs of water stress (meaning if you’re using canopy observation as the indicator of when to irrigate, fruit size has already been compromised).

When vines don’t get enough water, either early or late in the growing season, there is an immediate and irreversible effect on fruit growth which results in smaller fruit at harvest (Figure 1).










Figure 1. The effect of water stress on Hayward (Source: Trevor Lupton/Murray Judd – Zespri Kiwifruit Spotlight on Efficient Irrigation – October 2021).

The dark blue line on the graph shows a typical growth curve for Hayward. The red and pale blue lines illustrate the impact of early and late season water stress (respectively) on fruit size. If the plant experiences water stress during the growth period it will never make up the difference – highlighting the importance of irrigating early in the growing season.

Click here to read more about the importance of irrigation (Zespri Kiwifruit Spotlight on Efficient Irrigation – Oct 2021) or here to learn more about efficient irrigation practices.

Tools For Sizing Your Crop

For maximum effect, attempts to size fruit should be made after fruit thinning has been completed – otherwise you are pouring valuable plant resources into sizing fruit that will soon be removed. A few commonly used techniques include:

4-Week Trunk Girdle

  • A trunk girdle applied 4-weeks after mid-bloom (when 50% of flowers are open) has been shown to consistently improve fruit size in Gold3 by around 12g (by affecting cell division) but has limited impact on canopy suppression or dry matter (Zespri OPC Trial Report – The influence of girdling in December on fruit maturity in Gold3 – November 2017).
    • Girdling restricts the flow of nutrients from the leaf to the roots, meaning they are maintained in the canopy (and fruit). Hayward growers who have already performed a “pre-flower trunk girdle” and plan for two summer dry matter girdles may choose not to apply the size girdle (allowing nutrient flow to the roots instead).
    • There are excellent resources on girdling available on the Zespri Canopy website (including video instructions) – check them out at Canopy > Growing Kiwifruit > Orchard Management > Girdling.

Potassium Nitrate

  • In an article titled “Foliar boost for Gold3” (Marya Hashmatt, Huub Kerckhoffs ,Tim Lowe – Kiwifruit Journal – Oct-Nov 2019) it was reported that “foliar-applied potassium nitrate fertiliser significantly increased leaf size, chlorophyll content, and net photosynthesis compared to the grower’s practice and foliar control”.
  • Results at harvest (Figure 2) “…showed that foliar-applied potassium nitrate significantly increased fruit quality compared to grower’s practice and foliar control, with significant increases in fresh weight, firmness and brix.”
  • Refer to the Canopy here to read the article in the Kiwifruit Journal (page 50).

Low Biuret Urea Programme

  • Zespri reports that an average fruit size gain of up 6-9g can be made by applying up to three applications of LB urea at 750g/100L (0.75%) at 7-10 day intervals starting two weeks after full bloom (Zespri OPC KiwiTips – 21st November 2019).
  • Note – there are the occasional reports of phytotoxicity and do not apply within seven days of copper.


  • Biostimulants such as Benefit Kiwi and KRISS can be effective at increasing fruit size, but overuse will lead to a reduction in dry matter and possibly softer fruit.
    • Chat with your merchant to determine what timing is best for you and your orchard location.

Crop Protection

All sprays (including foliar fertilisers, pesticides, coppers and oils) applied between fruitset and harvest have the potential to cause fruit stain – therefore my general advice when considering spraying through summer is “if in doubt, leave it out”. If you decide you must spray, make sure applications are made in ideal drying conditions, avoiding high temperatures and spraying in the middle of the day. Slow drying conditions can also be problematic – try to choose a day where your washing would dry quickly on the line.

Keep the “fruit sensitive periods” in mind as your risk of staining the fruit with sprays increases as you enter the periods highlighted – generally, applications made in good conditions outside of this period are problem-free.

If you identify skin stain/damage, please contact your Grower Services Representative immediately.

Leafroller Control

Now is a critical time to manage leafroller – many conventional growers are applying two applications of BioBit® DF (Bt) 14 days apart after fruitset. As reported in last month’s Kiwifruit News, Plant and Food scientist Cathy McKenna states Bt offers longer protection from leafroller than alternatives. It is possible to tank mix BioBit® DF with 1% organic oil (to manage scale), but if doing so, make sure you add the BioBit® DF to the tank first, followed by the oil.

Passionvine Hopper (PVH) Control

PVH nymphs started hatching in October, with the first adults usually observed in late December/early January. The nymph stage is a critical time to control as they do not fly, meaning their dispersal is only limited to a few meters. PVH typically invade orchards from adjacent bush, scrub and wasteland and they aggregate in high numbers on the orchard boundary or in the shelterbelt. Targeting this nymph population is critical to prevent the adults invading the orchard (which results in sooty mould).

Figure 2. PVH nymph (Photo courtesy of Zespri KiwiTech Bulletin No. N59 – Passionvine Hopper).

An application of Calypso (which requires a JA from Zespri) or 2%-3% oil (for organic growers) are effective control measures for shelters/gullies and is a useful approach to keep nymphs out of the orchard – but do not apply these products to the kiwifruit canopy.

Psa Control

As we move into the post-fruitset period our Psa tools are limited to copper or Aureo Gold®. As the weather warms up, the need for these sprays lessens and should only be applied in response to high-risk weather events – refer to the KVH Risk Model for guidance. Remember, fruit staining can occur at any time, but the risk is increased during the skin sensitive periods so apply in good drying conditions only.

I do not recommend applying copper to fruit when extended periods of wet/humid weather are expected as this may result in fruit staining.

Dave Parsons
Grower Liaison / Organic Manager

Where The True Value Lies

A shout out to our growers in Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, Opotiki and Taumarunui. In this edition I will firstly look at happenings in the field and industry, then I’m going a little off piste (for those skiers amongst you) – it must have something to do with the approaching season.







Firstly, from the field:

  • Fruit set dates appear to be 5-7 days later this season than last year.
  • Average flower counts for this year are GAOB 53.2m² / HWOB 38.8m² compared to last year of 51.9m² / 47.1m², based on an average size of 28.7 and 34.0 respectively.
  • Early crop estimates show an increase in GAOB of around 500,000 trays on last season. This is mostly because of maturing vines and Kpins moving to full BioGro certification, rather than an influx of new growers.
  • HWOB estimate has dropped by 30,000 trays. This is possibly a result of bud break and shape issues. As a general observation it appears to be a reasonably poor season for shape with lots of flats and fans.
  • There is an increase in Psa symptoms across all regions and varieties this year. Observed symptoms range from leaf spotting, shoot dieback to a few leaders with red exudate. From my observations it appears less prevalent in organic orchards, although I’m not sure of the reasons. It could be timing of growth, reduced stress levels and a myriad of other factors.
  • Spare a thought for growers in the Opotiki region who were battered by unusually strong winds the other week, leading to some significant crop loss and infrastructure damage.
  • A heads up that the pollen harvest has been problematic this season and supplementary pollen may be hard to source next year. My advice is if you require some, look to order it sooner rather than later.
  • Just a couple of reminders as we approach (dare I say it) another harvest. Once you’ve celebrated completing your BioGro audit, could you please email me a copy of your certificate. Secondly, if you are entering sprays into your Zespri Spray Diary, ensure that your blocks in your diary match those shown on your map. This simple check will prevent you having to re-enter spray lines. Ring me if you have any problems or questions.

Within the industry:

  • At the latest NZKGI meeting there was discussion around potential compensation for organic growers because of Zespri’s decision not to export OB fruit to China last season. The GAOB pool bore the main cost, calculated at around 0.28 cents a tray, with the total cost to the HWOB pool around $73,000. The resolution failed to gain the required support. I’m unsure whether this is the end of the matter but will keep you informed.
  • The two vessels transporting OB fruit to the United States that have been delayed by up to 8 weeks due to congestion in travel and discharge delays are due to discharge in the next few days. Zespri will then get their first look at potential losses. Early indications were that this will not be covered by insurance and was one of the reasons for last month’s reduction in progress payments. We will see how this progresses.

On a personal level I would like to express my condolences to Murray and the family on the passing of Christine Draffin. Chris was the Quality Manager at Trevelyan’s and had worked for the company for over 30 years. She was the brains and often also the brawn of the quality department, who worked selflessly to the benefit of the company and all our growers. She was a good friend and confidante, whose advice was often sought and always valued. You will be sorely missed Chris.

In closing, I’m assuming that like me, you’ve had a year filled with successes, mixed with losses and near misses but we’ve made it this far. We await the coming year with renewed hope and expectation that it will be a better version of the one we have just endured. In that vein I’ve penned a small poem that I hope encapsulates one of the reasons for the season.

I wish you and your families all the best. Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to catching up next year.

Enjoy, regards.

Where the true value lies……

Pollination is done, the crop it is set

Some organic license, maybe a little more in debt?

Watching the weather, maybe a drought

It has its challenges, there is little doubt


We might be losing Hi-Cane

I’m not sure if that’s cool

All those conventional growers

Diluting my organic pool


The manager says it’s looking OK

He’s just invoiced me, what else can he say

The dry matter will be good, we’ve cut the numbers in half

Setting up for the harvest, a well-worn path


But it can play on your mind, full of self-doubt

The chance of interest rate rises bandied about

As for post-harvest, I carry the risk

Am I going to be on their high scale list?


But take a step back and a good look around

There will be ups and downs growing crops from the ground

Your orchard value may rise, maybe double

But without those who care is when you’re in trouble.


So, as you gather together at this Christmas time

Don’t forget that it’s not all just about the vines

As you say your farewells and family good-byes

Remember, it’s with those that the true value lies.

Sarah Lei
Sustainability Manager

Taking Responsibility For Our Waste

When I last wrote an update on our waste initiatives, we were just getting started on the 2021 harvest. We were expecting to pack 17 million trays and preparing to manage a significant volume of waste by-products from the packing process such as cardboard, strapping and EAN label backing. 

We ended up packing over 18 million trays this year and alongside that we generated a large quantity of waste. As we near the end of the repack season, it is a good time to reflect on how our waste is tracking.

This year we developed a new sustainability monitoring tool using Power BI which allows us to track our waste production on an ongoing basis.

  • So far this year, we have generated less total waste than we produced in 2019 and 2020. There is still a bit of data to come, but this is unlikely to change significantly. The reason for this appears to be less recycled cardboard and wood.
  • We have sent less waste to landfill, even though we packed more fruit.
  • The percentage of waste we sent to landfill was high in 2020 due to additional COVID waste. The percentage is lower this year (even with less overall waste) as we have recycled more than 8 tonnes of EAN label backing and black strapping.


Kiwifruit Trays Packed (millions)

Waste to Landfill (tonnes)

Recycled Waste


Waste to Landfill
















    * Year to date


This is all good news, but we need to keep working hard to achieve our goals. Other significant waste streams that we are working to reduce include:

  • Used PPE – potential to recycle hairnets and masks or provide reusable hairnets. Still looking for options to recycle gloves.
  • Floor sweepings – can be composted if we can avoid contamination from tray-making glue.
  • Trim from boxes – can we reduce this by changing our box designs and can remaining trim be composted?

At Trevelyan’s we recognise that everyone has a role to play to minimise waste and its impact on the environment. Our ultimate goal is to have zero waste going to landfill by 2030.

Aotearoa New Zealand is one of the highest generators of waste per person in the world. We use too much, waste too much and pollute too much – and this has negative impacts on the environment and contributes to climate change.

The Waste Levy (which covers waste to landfill) increased from $10 to $20 per tonne in July this year. This will continue to increase each year to reach $60 per tonne in July 2024. Our overall cost of sending waste to landfill has increased from $200 per tonne in 2017 to nearly $400 per tonne this year. Reducing waste to landfill makes good business sense as well as being good for the environment.

The Ministry for the Environment recently released “Te kawe i te haepapa para – Taking responsibility for our waste. Proposals for a new waste strategy, issues and options for new waste legislation.” The Government is consulting on: 

  • A proposed new waste strategy that sets an innovative bold direction for everyone to transform the way we think about and manage waste.
  • Issues and options for developing new, more comprehensive waste legislation to regulate the management of waste, and products and materials circulating in our economy. Once developed, the new legislation would replace the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 and the Litter Act 1979. 

As this consultation proceeds we are likely to see an increased focus on improved waste management as New Zealand looks to transition to a low carbon circular economy. At Trevelyan’s we are taking positive steps in the right direction, but there is still plenty of work to do. We look forward to the support of our growers and suppliers to help us progress on this journey.

Colin Olesen
TGL Chair

Equality And Responsibilities

Your directors had their usual November meeting just prior to the Company Annual General Meeting. At both meetings it was declared that Heather Hawkey, Simon Cook and Colin Olesen had been elected to the Trevelyan Growers Ltd Directorate for a three-year term. So, congratulations to Simon on his re-election and to Heather for her progression from being an Associate Director to a Director. And thank you to Paul Singleton for your candidacy. Your directors also acknowledged Alister Hawkey’s service to the TGL Board with a gift of appreciation.

The TGL Annual General Meeting took care of all the formal matters that need to be dealt with. All formal motions required were passed unanimously. Thank you to those that attended.

At the start of our AGM we took time to acknowledge the passing of Christine Draffin, a long-time member of the TPCL team, a great servant of Trevelyan Growers, a wonderful friend to many, and just a delightful lady.

Your directors are about to develop a meeting attendance policy within our health and safety framework around COVID-19 and vaccinations. This needs to be done on an inclusive basis, respecting personal choice. In this regard, the word ‘rights’ diminishes in my vocabulary and the word ‘responsibilities’ increases. No matter what our individual thinking is on the subject of vaccination, I believe it is important for each one of us to exercise our responsibilities as a priority over our rights. That way, we can care for each other better.

Our meeting attendance policy will cover not just TGL directors and our TPCL team members that regularly attend, but also visiting speakers and indeed any Trevelyan’s grower that requests to attend a TGL directors’ meeting. If you have a particular viewpoint on what this policy should include, please email those details to Debbie or Kelly.

Your directors also discussed the Organic China Compensation KGI paper, along with an ISG discussion paper on Retrospective 2021 Time Rate Adjustments.

Christmas is just down the road. It used to be just around the corner but now appears on the horizon much quicker! Thank you all for your part in the Trevelyan’s family of growers. May Christmas be a time of joy, peace and happiness for you all.

Staff Profile: Annalisa Mounsey

What is your role and how long have you worked at Trevelyan’s?

My role is TMO Finance Administrator and I have been here for three weeks!

What’s your favourite thing about working at Trevelyan’s?

The people.

What are your main interests/hobbies outside of work?

Spending time with family, horse riding, gardening and working on our property.

What would you like people to know about you?

I love the idea of being self-sufficient, so enjoy setting up our block to provide for our family

Staff Profile: Brian Hodge 

What is your role and how long have you worked at Trevelyan’s?

I started working on 1st November as a Kiwifruit Grower Liason. I have been a grower with Trevelyan’s since 2017.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Trevelyan’s?

There is a friendly atmosphere through the whole business which has made me feel very welcome.

What are your main interests/hobbies outside of work?

Trout fishing, squash and socialising with friends at Lake Rotoma.

What would you like people to know about you?

That the facial hair I am currently growing is not permanent but part of a fundraiser for MOVEMBER. Roll on 1st December!

Who has been the biggest inspiration in your life?

My father – he said to me when I was looking at leaving school “whatever you decide to do as a vocation I support you 100 per cent.”

Staff Profile: Melanie Bell 

What is your role and how long have you worked at Trevelyan’s?

I am in the Trevelyan’s Accounts Team and started in July 2021.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Trevelyan’s?

The people – everyone is so friendly and down to earth and I also love the rural location and all the effort that goes into sustainability.

What are your main interests/hobbies outside of work?

I love the beach, walking the Mount or Papamoa Hills and getting crafty with macrame and kokedamas when I get the chance. I am also a foodie and love a night off cooking dinner.

What would you like people to know about you?

I live in Papamoa with my husband and our 8 and 5 year-old. I work part-time so if you ever see me rushing about it’s just because I’m late for the school pick up 🙂

Who has been the biggest inspiration in your life?

Tricky one as there have been many people along the way. This year I have definitely been inspired by the strength of one of my dearest friends who has been chronically ill yet still manages to live each day with an amazingly positive outlook and go out of her way to give and help others. She is a superstar!