When you join Trevelyan’s you become part of our family of growers – and for kiwifruit growers specifically, you become a member of Trevelyan Growers Ltd (TGL).

This body receives all fruit and service payments and controls the distribution of funds from Zespri to the various grower pools by class and variety. Grower members are elected to govern each year. It is responsible for ensuring equity among the grower groups and to monitor transparency and value for money from our post-harvest operation. TGL is managed by Debbie Robinson (Trevelyan’s Pack and Cool Ltd. Head of Supply).

Colin Olesen

Grower Directors:
Simon Cook (Deputy Chair), Jeff Roderick, Mat Johnston, Steven Wright, Kyle Howie, Murray Cresswell, Heather Hawkey, Geoff Wylie-Miln

TPCL Representative Directors:
James Trevelyan, Stephen Butler, Ian Coventry

Associate Directors:
Courtney Bragg