Export Information
Trevelyan’s Class 1 kiwifruit is sold to consumers all over the globe through many distribution models by Zespri. Zespri has the exclusive rights to export kiwifruit from New Zealand to all countries (other than Australia).
Market demand for kiwifruit is managed by Zespri according to a plan based on the estimated fruit available each season. This plan ensures we deliver the right fruit to the right market in the best condition and on time. Zespri is the world’s largest kiwifruit marketer, selling fruit in over 50 countries. Zespri has the exclusive rights to export kiwifruit from NZ to all countries (other than Australia). They work with postharvest companies and approximately 2,800 New Zealand and 1,500 international growers to source Zespri kiwifruit, which is supplied through their distribution partners to wholesale and retail customers.
Trevelyan’s kiwifruit is currently exported to 61 ports in 32 different countries and complies with the New Zealand Customs Service Secure Export Scheme (SES). This ensures all our produce exports are packed, stored and distributed in a manner that prevents tampering or contamination.
Trevelyan Growers Ltd (TGL) is the grower supply entity that is the Registered Supplier to Zespri. They represent the growers’ interests in contract negotiations with Zespri and also monitor the performance of TPCL against a set of KPIs. Click here to learn more
Partnerships in kiwifruit
We pack and store both conventionally grown and organic Zespri Kiwifruit. Class one varieties include Zespri Green, Zespri Sungold, Zepri RubyRed and Zespri Sweet Green.
In total, Trevelyan’s packs approximately 15% organic kiwifruit and 10% of the total New Zealand industry market share of kiwifruit supplied to Zespri each season.
Class A kiwifruit is packed under the NutriKiwi™ brand and exported to Australia by The Nutritious Kiwifruit Company Ltd, a joint venture between Trevelyan’s, Eastpack, OPAC and DMS.
New Zealand Gold Kiwifruit Company (NZGKC) was formed in 2015 by a number of post-harvest entities (including Trevelyan’s) to co-ordinate, distribute and sell Class 2 SunGold in the NZ market. Our local market is serviced by The Golden Kiwifruit Company, a co-ordinated supply company managed by our Domestic Produce Manager.
New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Incorporated (NZKGI) works to advocate, protect and enhance kiwifruit growers’ commercial and political interests.
Kiwifruit Vine Health (KVH) is an industry-established biosecurity organisation dedicated to supporting the NZ kiwifruit industry
Orchard Management Services- Trevelyan’s Orchard Management provide a comprehensive range of on-orchard services and advice tailored to individual grower requirements. Read more here
BayFarms- all our domestic kiwifruit is sold under the ‘BayFarms’ brand.
No.1 Road Pollen- a partnership between Trevelyan’s Pack and Cool Ltd and Mat Johnston Contracting Ltd for the supply of supplementary pollination for kiwifruit.
Market Gardeners- with outlets across the country, the supply of top-quality produce is made available throughout New Zealand.
Kiwifruit Vine Health (KVH)- is an industry-established biosecurity organisation dedicated to supporting the New Zealand kiwifruit industry.