No. 1 Road Pollen is a partnership between Trevelyan’s and Mat Johnstone Contracting Ltd. Established in 2012, No. 1 Road Pollen secures a supply of high-quality local pollen for growers who wish to utilise it.

NZGKC was formed in 2015 by a number of post-harvest entities (including Trevelyan’s) to co-ordinate, distribute and sell Class 2 SunGold in the NZ market.

Trevelyan Avocado Growers Ltd (TAGL) was established in 2022; TAGL provides a “voice” for growers who supply their fruit to Trevelyan’s. It reviews all facets of the business, including particular industry and market issues. The TAGL member makeup is comprised of nine grower directors elected for a three-year term and three nominated Trevelyans Pack and Cool Limited directors.

Bayfarms was established in 1995 by its current directors Alister Hawkey and Ron Bailey, for the wholesale distribution of produce. The brand currently markets kiwifruit, avocados, feijoas and limes and is well known for it’s quality and consistency. As a partner company to Trevelyan’s Pack and Cool Ltd, the funds are received and administered by TPCL staff and their systems mirror our own from packing to payments and documentation. Click here for their website

Trevelyan Growers Ltd (TGL) is the grower supply entity that is the Registered Supplier to Zespri. They represent the growers’ interests in contract negotiations with Zespri and also monitor the performance of TPCL against a set of KPIs. Click here to learn more.
Suppliers- We rely on other businesses that provide packaging and other essential supplies to keep our facilities operating efficiently and to transport our fruit to consumers. Our key packaging suppliers include OJI, Jenkins and Punchbowl.
Contractors– We work closely with local businesses who help support our needs. These include EMAC (electrical services) and VisionLab (IT services).
Central Government– The Ministry for Primary Industries is the public service department charged with overseeing, managing, and regulating the horticulture industry in New Zealand.
Local Government– Te Puke is in the Western Bay of Plenty (WBOP) District. Priority One is the WBOP region’s economic development organisation.
Regional Government– Bay of Plenty Regional Council is focused on four community outcomes: a healthy environment, freshwater for life, safe and resilient communities and a vibrant region.
Te Puke Community– The Trevelyan’s site is located a few kilometres from the outskirts of Te Puke. Te Puke is a thriving rural service town with a robust local economy and multicultural character.
Markets and Consumers– We are keenly interested in how our product is received by wholesalers, distributors, retailers, and consumers around the world. We also supply fruit to the local market through the NZ Golden Kiwifruit Company and BayFarms.
HortNZ – A levy-funded incorporated society that advocates for and represents the interests of New Zealand’s 6,000 commercial fruit and vegetable growers.